On Sunday, the 7th of August, and during the celebration of the III Chapter of Santiago, the new provincial government of the Claretian Missionaries of the Province of Santiago celebrated the Eucharist with the Claretian Family, presided by Father General Mathew Vattamattam.
Despite being the month of August, a large group of family members and friends accompanied the Claretians in this important moment.Later, in the garden of the major college Jaime del Amo, a cocktail was served, around which we could socialize at length and laying with all of them.
For me it was an endearing moment for coinciding with many Claretians which I’ve been having the opportunity to meet. And many of them, in their missionary itinerancy, have been devoting some years of their lives to the parish-school of St. Anthony Mary Claret of Madrid. There, they have met with secular and the Lay Claretians that we remain committed to this apostolic position, eager and grateful to receive missionaries full of hope for a shared mission.
The government of the province of Santiago has been constituted by:
Fr. Pedro Belderrain, Superior of the Province. The consultants are: Fr. Ángel de la Parte as Provincial Trustee, Fr. José Ramón Sanz in the Prefecture of Spirituality and Mission, Fr. Adolfo Lamata as Prefect of Apostolate and Father Miguel Ángel Velasco as Consultant Prefect of Missionary Dynamization which main responsibility will be to carry the review of positions forward.
Jesús García Romero, Región Norte de España