The Lay Claretian movement in Nigeria started in the year 1983 through an Argentine Claretian priest Father Marcello Gonzalez Cmf .
The present Lay Claretian movement East Nigeria province is comprised of three major groups, Aba, Enugu, and Owerri. In these groups, we have sub -groups. In Enugu we have at St Peter’s Garriki, St Dominic Amurri. In Owerri we have St Paul’s parish Nekede, St Anthony Mary Claret World bank Owerri, St Maria Goretti Ikenegbu, St Thomas Moore New Owerri, and Assumpta Minor Seminary Naze Owerri. In Aba we have our group at St John’s Iheorji .
The members are Lay Catholic faithfuls working zealously in the Charism of St Anthony Mary Claret. We engage in different things to serve the church and entire humanity with specialised professions and capacities. The various groups gather every three years in accordance with what is enshrined in the status of the movement for renewal, animation and election of Regional officers.
Our members are engaged in variety of apostolate, many work in the parishes as marriage counsellors, catechizers, work with the youths, give moral instructions, build up basic Christian community in the parishes, are catalyst in our places of work, The movement has also taken giant strides in so many areas, namely the consistent publication of our magazine titled the LIGHT AND SALT for three consecutive editions. Reaching out to the needy, the less privileged, the physically challenged, the destitutes homes, the prisons and widows/ widowers through our outreach programme .
Inspite of the above achievements we still have challenges which include but not limited to the following, the work of getting young ones into the movement, some members display lukewarm attitude towards the movement,the problem of insecurity also militate against the growth of the movement, the use of modern communication, technology and media is still out of the reach of many of the members. The unstable nature of our economy also militate against the growth of the movement..The activities we held recently are the Easter Lenten recollection and the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Below are the photo shots of the events.