The I Meeting of Solidarity and Mission took place in Managua from the 28th September to the 3rd of October, 2015. The objective here was to strengthen and and articulate the Teams of JPIC, Interculturality and Procure of the Central American Province.
The meeting was held with representatives of the 6 countries which make up the province: Claretians, men and women, and Lay Claretians men and women. The work focused on the analysis of the regional reality in order to locate the present challenges and develop strategies.
In this meeting our experiences were shared; experiences based on our missionary service to the Word, enlightened by the Encíclica Laudato si’ and the Declaration of the XXV General Chapter of the Congregation. All the participants returned to our posts encouraged, with new lights, and with clear mechanisms and strategies for the provincial articulation in these important concerns of our life and mission.
In this journey we have done together we have also met our claretian sisters from San Pedro Sula. With them we have shared the school of the Word with the participation of all novices from Latin America including sister Josiane de Freitas Santos who took part in our General Assembly of Lay Claretians in Aparecida. Father Vidal Pérez, MICLA’s executive secretary, was also present offering us a workshop on biblical hermeneutics.
We are impelled to walk together. The meeting has been a joyful experience, living in the light of the Word our shared responsibility in the proclamation of the gospel.
On 27th, 28th and 29th November, a national claretian meeting on Bible will be held in Atlántida. Representatives from the movement will be Martha Aguilar, Karla Valdivieso, Jorge Umana and Doris Rubio together with other lay claretians in discernment. It is intended to serve as preparation for the Central American meeting which will take place in Managua from the 18th to the 23rd of January, 2016.
We thank you for your prayers in this process that we have initiated. I encourage all communities to go ahead with the proclamation of the gospel.
Please accept my best personal regards from Honduras.
Juan Carlos Díaz (Delegate of JPIC Lay Claretians)