Lay Claretian Movement praises and blesses God, because on June 21th the community of the city of Mexico joined this great family.
The community is integrated by:
- Emma Mendieta Hernández
- Matilde Moreno Herrera
- María del Rosario Bravo Montero
- Julita Villanueva Pérez Sandi
- Idalia Céspedes Resendiz
- Begoña Ferráez Calleja
They were consecrated as members of the movement of lay claretians in the city of Toluca, accompanied by father Román Angel Moreno Herrera and Martha Salazar, delegated by the General Council.
With this fact they give testimony of their commitment and loyalty to the project of God, living the experience of the first Christian communion.
Attached to the heart of Mary who drives us to live intensely in the Church the lay dimension, being followers of Jesus, working in the transformation of temporary realities, and implanting the Kingdom of God.
Martha Salazar (Delegate Area of the Council General)