On Wednesday, November 13, we had the great opportunity to meet with lay brothers. The meeting took place at St. Anthony Claret Parish in Mixco-Guatemala. Present were Saetas Claretianas, Itinerantes por el Reino and a community in discernment: Mitte Nois. Fr. Javier Hernández, Prefect of Apostolate of the Province of Central America and Fr. Manolo Tamargo, the General Counsel of the Movement and General Treasurer of the Claretians, also visited us that day.
This meeting allowed us to present to Fathers Manuel and Javier something about the lay project in Guatemala.
We listened attentively as itinerantes por el Reino has worked for the Parish for several years. Stories that inspire us to know that the spirit of service has moved us and continues to do so.
We, as Saetas Claretianas present a bit of our history. We are a young community that still needs to mature to serve the mission to which we committed ourselves.
The community in discernment Mitte Nois made us reflect on the importance of Claretian Youth Ministry. Through them our Parish, and especially the young people, have discovered our Patron Saint and have assumed the Claretian charism as their own.
We talked about the challenges that St. Anthony M. Claret Parish brings and how from our experience we believe that the community can benefit.
We know that God has been working wonderfully in these last two years and that is why new communities have emerged in Central America.
A meeting between brothers that invites us to continue evaluating ourselves, working and believing that God has wonderful projects for our community.
Father Manuel urged us to continue working and to continue fighting for the Claretian charism. He shared with us some previews of the Movie about the life of St. Anthony M. Claret, which we look forward to with great enthusiasm.
Carmen Ramirez,sc (Claretian Saets)