Today, 21 June, we would have held, as usual for the ETUC, the summer meeting in the Dima farmhouse. Evidently, given the circumstances derived from the COVID-19, we could not go there, but we wanted to get together to take stock of the course, to meet, to give thanks for all that we had experienced and to take advantage of it to celebrate together in the Eucharist the Day of the Heart of Mary that was yesterday.
Who would have told us during the first weeks of April, when we were in full confinement and with the pandemic in full swing that today we could see each other, meet and pray together! Dressed in masks and with exquisite hand washing, yes, but together.
Before the Eucharist, accompanied by a wonderful day, we met approximately 35 brothers and sisters of the Community in the patio of the Askartza School. There, from the Permanent Board, dividing ourselves into odd and even numbers, we were asked to make two concentric circles with our bodies, keeping a safe distance while our companions in the inner circle rotated to the left and we shared with the person in front of us the answer to each of the five questions we had for a minute: What did I like most and least about my life during this course? How do I define with a word the course of the community and why have I chosen that word; what has cost me the most and what I value the most from my community experience in this course; and what challenge and desire do I pose for my community for the next course?
As a last gesture, we have slipped from one to the other, until totally configuring the circle, a cord of blue color, symbolizing that we are united as a network, the importance that has for us the power to live and grow in Faith in Community and our desire to follow Jesus in the style of Claret. All this makes us feel united, belonging and participating in the same project. To finish the gesture, from the Board, they have cut us a piece of this cord so that we can take it with us as a bracelet, key ring or bookmark during this summer and thus, always have our brothers and sisters of Community present.
We concluded this special day with the Eucharist, aware that, despite adversity, we are called to continue to be bearers of God’s hope for the world. So, in this New Normalcy or whatever happens, we are still on the way!
Nagore Bilbao,sc-CES Leioa-España