After some very suggestive motivational videos, Saturday, November 13, was the convocation of the virtual encounter of the CF. The people in charge of each branch and their delegates wanted this encounter to be the prologue of the encounter that is held every 4 years and that on this occasion will be in Rome from 3 to 8 December. These encounters have been held for a long time to strengthen mutual knowledge, to strengthen the bonds of family and to explore projects in which we can work together.
The virtual meeting has served to confirm that we consider ourselves to be a family because we felt the joy of being able to see people from all the different branches, so dispersed throughout the world, and the opportunity to share some time together.
The virtual encounter has served to confirm that we consider ourselves family because we felt the joy of being able to see people from all the different branches, so dispersed throughout the world, and the opportunity to share some time together.
The talk of motivation and reflection was animated by the Claretian Adrián de Padro, with the title “Where the threads cross. From family to familiarity”. With a marked Claretian identity, it has been a talk from a very new and inspiring perspective.
Bernardeta Arbaiza. Communication Delegate of the Lay Claretians Movement
Donde se cruzan los hilos. De la familia claretiana. Adrian de Prado cmf.