This year, 2020, marks the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first group of Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary destined for America, who disembarked for the first time in Chile. Within this framework, the Congress of Spirituality “Sent to Evangelize the Young Vineyard” was held in the same country where Claret’s dream began. In the mentioned event, the Lay Claretians were also present to thank and share with the other branches of the Claretian Family.
The event was a rich anniversary experience, from the historical part, the spirituality and the new challenges for the mission in America. We started the Congress with the title “Missionaries to the end” by Gonzalo Fernández cmf who explained the meaning of celebrating the 150 years of the arrival of the missionaries to America coinciding with the 150 years of Easter of our founder.
During the second day of the event, Carlos Sánchez, cmf spoke about the historical context supported by the letters of Father Xifre and the first missionaries, brave young men who launched themselves into a completely new and challenging mission. Together with this, the third day continued with the historical character this time in charge of Soledad Calderón rmi who gave historical data of our founder during his stay in Cuba, giving some features like the character of “protector” that the founder assumed during his archbishopric.
The fourth day brought a luxury panel with testimonies that shared with the attendees the different experiences of living our spirituality in missions such as education, the media, SOMI (solidarity and mission) and Youth Ministry. It is worth mentioning the participation of Yenny Carmona sc, a lay sister from the community of Andacollo (Chile), who spoke on the theme “A Claretian spirituality that renews the Educational Ministry.
Finally, we had the workshops that have enriched and strengthened the assistants and impelled us all to spread what we have seen and lived. I am sure that this event has served to reconnect with our roots, to meditate if we are on the path traced by our ancestors and to see how we enrich this dream together.
Bruno La Hoz, Delegate of Vocational Promotion MSC